Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Review: A Matter of Time

A Matter of Time A Matter of Time by Glen Cook
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Picked this up the other day and quickly realized I'd already read it, but finished it again anyways. I very much enjoyed it, but that may say something about the book; it's very well-crafted, but it isn't the most memorable story ever.

That sounds like criticism, but really it isn't. It's just that the beauty of this story is in the details of the world, and the depiction of the characters, but they are at heart normal people living humdrum lives in an everyday world. Extraordinary events happen around them, but somehow those don't really feel like the focus of the story. That lack of focus can make the pacing feel a little ponderous - this is definitely not your Indiana Jones in Space science fiction - but I think that it's well worth the ride.

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