Sunday, June 30, 2019

Review: Provenance

Provenance Provenance by Ann Leckie
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Not quite as enthralling as Leckie's earlier stuff, but solid big-universe SF set in a different corner of the same setting. An interesting culture or two well-sketched without overwhelming the story. Enough loose ends that I assume we'll come back to the story, if not necessarily all of the characters.

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Thursday, June 27, 2019

Review: The Testament of Loki

The Testament of Loki The Testament of Loki by Joanne M. Harris
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Gah! I HATE publishers who refuse to tell you anywhere on a book that it is part of a series!

The good news is, this book works reasonably well as a stand-alone. It's a little young-adulty, in its' obsession with teenagers for all of the characters. And a little disturbing, in the rapey way that Loki's possession of Jumps is described. But it is genuinely well-written, and Loki is of course a great character whom the author imbues with a marvelous voice. Loki's master plan at the end may not bear too much scrutiny (view spoiler) but I took that to be Loki's half-arsed seat-of-the-pants idea of planning, more than anything else.

Enjoyed the read.

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